Forecast Accuracy

Below you will see a documentation of all the videos and Live Webinars I have done over the years, what I have said and what came to pass.

If the strategy we discussed played out as is then the analysis is given +1, if it failed or hit the stop levels then it is given -1, based on that the overall accuracy is calculated.

My accuracy has remained above 80% for 6 years consecutively, hence surpassing all industry standards.

  • All video links in 2018 and 2017 Track Record sheets are time stamped to the part where the actual strategy or possible future market movement is discussed however viewers are strongly advised to watch the complete videos for proper understanding.
  • Reports for 2021, 2020 and 2019 are compiled by my students.

2022, 2023. 2024 and onwards :

  • In 2022 I started conducting a new series of webinars calledTrading Opportunities’.
  • 205 trade setups discussed in the last 96 webinars played out as per analysis (As of 17th January 2024). These trades were discussed live in front of my entire YouTube audience.

  • Due to the high frequency of these webinars, I’m not finding the time to keep a record of everything I say and don’t feel the need after doing it for 6 years.
  • You can view all webinars in the ‘Trading Opportunities Series’ over here: Playlist

2021 : Accuracy 82.22%

2020 : Accuracy 88.52%

2019 : Accuracy 84.88%

2018Accuracy 84.61%

2017 : Accuracy 87.50%

2016 : Accuracy 83.34%